Woohoo! It's been so long that I wrote for this blog I forgot how to get here. Took me a while to retrace my steps and figure it out. I think life is like that. Have you ever driven home and realized you don't remember crossing the bridge? You don't remember turning left to get to your own street? You were sort of on auto pilot? Well, sometimes we get to age 50 or 60 and can't remember how we got there.
I think that means we need to slow down and enjoy the life we have. How can we allow things and duties to so influence us that we forget that we are living, breathing creatures who need more than stuff. We need positive emotions. We need lovely experiences. We need to fill our lives with moments. Moments to remember. Not to slavishly endure.
Stop and take a moment to think about a quality experience you might enjoy this coming week. For one, I am going to visit my 9-month old granddaughter, Grace. I will just enjoy her smiles, her attempts at big girl crawling, and her giggle when I ask merrily, "Where is Gracie?" Then I will enjoy the Christmas gift my middle son and his wife gave to us - a dinner and movie on them at our home! To top it off, I am going to kidnap my husband and go somewhere on Sunday where no one can each us and just enjoy being with him. Now, that's quality. That's living. Those are moments I shall not forget.
Run, don't stop! Get out of the race. Plan something worthwhile and enjoyable for yourself this week.