Ok, I consider myself to be a moderate. Moderation in all things works for me, but lately, I've become aware of a lot of extremism that may impact your world and mine. In a recent article on aol I read an article about Somalian radio announcers who are being forced to cut out all music - even intros to the news! I was saddened and shocked, to say the least. Then I read about laws being intiated in France against women wearing the burka. Although I would not be wanting to wear a burka and I understand the implications of being a phantom hiding in one of the garments (who knows what men could wear them and hurt others under the guise of a woman????)...but this is happening at home with book banning and so-called Christians fighting those who are so-called anarchists. When will mankind learn to live in dignity and harmony? I'm afraid for our nation as we lean more towards socialism. My family lived under socialism and communism and I know first-hand this is not something I wish for our country....let's pray for our nation today.