Thanksgiving - a time for thanks for all the gifts we have in this life. It is a time to fellowship, break bread together and to share the good, as well as the not so good from the year before and plan on celebrating with one another throughout the year. But is this what is happening in your family? I've heard from many people that this is a time for strife. Where do we go? How do we split things up? Who will be hurt and who will not be? Ach! This is not the way Thanksgiving should be.
As a grandmother and mother in law, I have had to learn to just accept what I am given with no regrets. So someone gives a preferred time and then it doesn't work out. That's the way it goes. Nothing I say or do can change it, so I can't let it make me feel anything. It is. I am grateful for those who can come and spend the time with us and will think fondly of those who cannot. I will remember to keep the words of Jesus in my head - I will think of the Prodigal Son and always have my arms open for my children, with no evaluation or comment on what they have or haven't done. I think that's the best holiday gift I can give....
I am thankful that I have a wonderful view of the valley and mountains. I realize our life is just like that - ups and downs. When you are down, know that the up is not far away. God bless our country and God bless you this happy Thanksgiving season.