I've always assumed that politics could be something I avoided like the plague. I even thought at one time that it was cute to say how ignorant I was of politics. It was my way of being lazy, of being careless, of being a child still. We, as citizens of the greatest democracy on earth, are mandated to know the truth and by the truth we shall be set....FREE! Yeah, you said it, too. We all know that truism. But why are most of us, especially any of us who might be spiritually conservative, why are we quiet and allow those who are our liberal sisters to run us over and to dominate us with their rhetoric? Is it that we are not as informed as our liberal sisters? Is it that we naturally shirk from confrontation? Yes to all the above. But the first step to overcoming this fear is to confront it with education. I, for one, received an education of a lifetime last night when I attended a Lincoln birthday dinner in Salem. My friend Brenda invited me to attend with her and I thank her from the bottom of my heart.
What was so spectacular is that a black man spoke about why most American blacks are democrats, given that history reveals that the Republican Party has a far more impressive track record in Civil Rights legislation than the Democratic Party. Oh, he has facts to back it up. He further gives information that would make any conservative proud. But most was news to me. And I think his word would be news to you. Check out his website at http://www.wayneperryman.com/ and let the light shine on you!
What a birthday gift for Lincoln in a humble spokesman like Perryman. He humbled me and made me start thinking I need to inform myself of the truth. I may be highly educated, but am I learned?
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