I wouldn't have believed it, but today it happened again. I got sick to my stomach, woozy, dizzy, too tired to actually do something, and my intestines were having a field day. And, what exactly prompted this condition? Thinking and trying to do my two paintings due tomorrow. I am drawing an absolute blank. Most of the class talk about the instructor and how poor she is - and I have to agree. She actually became irritated at me when I needed to have a cell phone on to vibrate in class - since I needed to stay in touch with my husband who had just experienced a small heart attack. I wouldn't have noticed it as much had not two other people came up to me to apologize for her. Wow. What is it that makes some teachers so unforgiving and untouchable? For one, inexperience. Secondly, youth. They think because they are teaching a college class they have power. And that power goes to their head. In my experience, these are the least effective instructors. I have had about three of them recently and one was the painting gal. The other one was a therapist who just didn't teach. How sad we have to pay good money for pathetic teaching. I don't get it, do you? Well, at least, I am reading more about Vincent van Gogh. I feel I understand the poor guy - he was haunted as well by these internal ghosts. Well, for one, mine are pretty well external. And soon gone....argh!
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