Good morning! It's 10:33 and I was up from 3 am until about 5 am. I heard older people do this, but why???? Thank goodness all I have to do today is clean and write; otherwise, I would go freakin' crazy or sleep on the job. The benefits of being poor and at home, eh?
I am currently taking a class in adolescent psychopathology and our Tuesday assignment is to present the decade in which we were adolescents. All I remember is drinking, dancing, studying, and working. I don't remember much other than seeing Kennedy the day before he died (he was about ten feet from me) in San Antonio. That was a week of sadness, however. I also LOVED Elvis. Here he is last year giving my octogenarian mom her first ever personal concert in Vegas!
I tried to get other baby boomers to add to my memories by posting on Craigslist (I know - I was really bored and it was 3 am) and received some of the following: pot, more pot, Vietnam, LSD, drugs, hallucinogenics, strobe lights, dancing, and some more pot. Funny how I didn't get into any of that except maybe for the dancing. I was a pretty quiet girl who tried to find love. Isn't that what this is all about? This journey we call life? Aren't we all after the same thing?
That's why I think you will like our Winter, 2009 issue of Today's Spiritual Woman. We try to help one another find satisfaction and peace in this world. All you have to do is sign up to follow this blog and you will receive your free copies every quarter. FREE. Nothing to buy. Just read and maybe even send us some of your ideas!
Here's hoping you have a bright and sunny day!
Lola and friends
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