Gee, ya think? The governor of Illinois is being impeached as we speak and Geraldo chased him down in the parking lot of the show The View. Geraldo is gutsy to say the least - drama king and all. But, why mention Bogla-whatever? It's the state of the economy - big and little people are losing their jobs. Some deserve to lose it (let him have his day in court before we chastise and judge him) and others are just victims of the economy. So what can we do to insulate ourselves from creeping problems that might take us over? From the voice of experience, begin by connecting with your inner spirit. . . .
1. Remember you are a good person, even if you can't find a job or have lost your job.
2. Remember to have integrity (hint to the politicians out there who think they are above the law).
3. Even if you have not planned for a catastrophe, start a rainy day fund NOW for something fun to do. It could be a night out with your significant other. Just because you are down and out doesn't mean you can't have a little fun sometime. Even if that means collecting pop bottles and cashing them in - start a savings of some sort and establish a goal for that savings. My goal is to have enough money for food while traveling in Romania in September (ticket was from airline miles).
4. Focus on the most important bills you need to pay. Duh, that means rent and utilities and food. You can certainly cut down on food a lot. Learn to eat leftovers!
5. Eat nutritious meals and monitor the amount of food you eat. Sometimes when I'm depressed, I feel lethargic and just reach out to the nearest fast food restaurant - cheap and delicious - if you know what I mean. Stop. Reassess what calories are in those treats and eat accordingly.
6. Get enough rest. Yesterday I slept until 5 pm. I was able to work from then until midnight on some writing I'm doing. But I feel a heck of a lot better today.
7. Make sure you are taking all your medication and if you can't afford it - ask for samples from your doctor.
8. Talk to a few close friends or see a therapist, but don't tell everybody all your problems. No one wants to be around a sad sack.
9. Exercise. I'm lying about this one. I don't do it. Hate it. Don't even understand how others can possibly like it. But I'm really working on this one. Just once around the block. My problem is I am so lethargic it's hard to get up and dressed, much less go outside. I'd much rather sit on the computer or read. Get up off your duff and MOVE! It doesn't even help me if a buddy tries to convince me. I'm set in my ways and it's hard to change....
10. PRAY. Last, but not least!
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