Ok, I went to bed mad. #1 Mistake. Then I woke up sad. #2 Mistake. Took a glass of wine and a anti-anxiety drug to even get me to sleep. #3 Mistake. We make mistakes all the time. Our Lord allows us to do so because we have FREE WILL!!!!! Sometimes, I wish he would just cradle me in his arms and make all the decisions and take care of me. Sometimes, just sometimes, being an adult absolutely is the pits.
What makes us mad? Money. Relationships. Lack of both. Not being in control. Feeling like no one understands. Heck, I feel like I did when I was a teenager. No one understands. Whine, whine. No one feels the way I do. Whine some more.
I need to shape up and get into the beauty of the day. What does it matter that I have problems just like the rest of the world? Whining and crying doesn't fix it, nor do sedatives. I know I will just do something positive right now. Like close this post and look at my lovely granddaughter's picture. She smiles at me on my desk and makes me smile all over. What a great miracle she is! Thank you, Lord, for the gifts I do have! Where is my Bible? I think I can find solace in prayer. I'm not expert at this, you know, but I am trying!
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