Unconditional love. Wow. What is that and where can I get some? It's rare in this hectic society. It's rare in this world, but I can guarantee you it is there. I have a wonderful neighbor who is busier than I at times. So we don't get to celebrate with one another or just sit and watch a movie, even if the invitation has been extended. Rather than sulk and get hurt, I say to myself, "This is my friend and nothing, but nothing will come between our friendship." And that, my friends, is what unconditional love is.
I remember when I was younger my mother said to my son, "If you do that again, grandma won't love you." I was in shock! I don't think she meant it the way it came out, but, honey, let me tell you, it sunk in. What a painful barb and then it came back to me slowly. Yup. She did that to us when we were growing up. She could turn that love on and off. And still does. It's hurtful. It's painful and it's destructive. But rather than dwell on it, I realize I love my mom no matter what. No ifs, shoulds, would haves or could haves. She is my mom and that's that. That's unconditional love. Don't judge one another so easily. Just accept that love. Maybe, just maybe, we will have fewer emotional problems, divorce, crimes, and hate, if we just learn to love for love's sake. God is love, you know. . . .And so is Gracie. I see God in my little granddaughter every day - all I have to do is go online and check her mama's blog out - I see a new side every day. Ahhhh. My Gracie and Love fix all in one!
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