Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Life in the fast lane
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Money don't buy you happiness - love does!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy Fourth of July!
Love forever and a day, Grandma and Grandpa
Friday, July 3, 2009

One morning, Sniff and Scurry, raced to the cheese room at the end of Corridor C and discovered the cheese was gone. They weren't really surprised because they had been checking the room each morning and had noticed that the supply was getting smaller.Their instincts took control. Out the door, sniffing the air, and racing out into the scary, dark maze in search of a new cheese supply.Later that day, Hem and Haw showed up at the cheese room. They were horrified. "Who moved my cheese," shouted Hem, along with several other emotional outbursts. No one had the right to take his cheese. Haw stood there in a daze, not really hearing all of Hem's rants and raves. He was dumbfounded that the cheese was gone.What would he do now? His little brain whirred with all manner of thoughts. Sadly, the two little people returned home, hungry.The next day, Hem and Haw returned to the cheese room at the end of Corridor C. They rationalized: the cheese will return. Everything will be as it once was. Day after day they returned, but the cheese never came back.Far away and much deeper into the dark, scary maze, Sniff and Scurry found a NEW CHEESE ROOM with more cheese than they'd ever seen before. Back at the end of Corridor C, Haw began to have thoughts that something needed to be done. He and his friend were growing weak and very thin due to the lack of food.He suggested that the two of them probably should go back out into the scary, dark maze of the unknown and search for a new cheese supply. Hem would not hear of it. That cheese had been his and whoever took it would bring it back; it was only right. The cheese would return. Everything would be like it once was.Each morning Sniff and Scurry would race to the NEW cheese room, check all around, and enjoy the many different cheeses, many more than had been in the OLD cheese room. And, each day, the two little people returned to Corridor C. Each day found them thinner and weaker.Haw made a decision. He would go out into the scary, dark maze of the unknown alone if Hem would not go with him. And he stepped out into the darkness, leaving his friend still waiting for the cheese to return.
Who Moved My Cheese
Book Review Part III
Day after day, Haw would move through the maze of the unknown seeking a new supply of cheese. More than once he thought about returning to his friend at the end of Corridor C. More than once his thoughts bordered on despair as he grew thinner and weaker. Yet he plundered onward.His decision to change his way of thinking was rewarded when he stepped into the NEW CHEESE ROOM and found Sniff and Scurry.Along his journey, Haw had left messages on the wall. He hoped Hem would follow, read the messages, and find his way."If you do not change, you can become extinct.""What would you do if you weren't afraid?""Smell the cheese often so you will know when it is getting old.""Movement in a new direction helps you find new cheese.""When you move beyond your fear, you feel free.""Imagining myself enjoying new cheese even before I find it, leads me to it."Larry's Comments:The simple little story of Who Moved My Cheese can be a powerful one for anyone facing life changes. Its message has helped Beth step forward into the scary, dark maze of the unknown after this last major change in her life.Life changes happen to everyone. It's how we deal with those changes that is important. We can "sniff" the winds of change and "scurry" in a new direction, or we can "hem and haw" around in our misery mad at the world because "no one had the right to move my cheese."Everyone faces challenges. This book is for everyone.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
My Beloved Mama....
After the death of her children’s father, Bill (William), Mary married Robert J. Kreis of Sacramento, CA. She is preceded in death by her husband Bob and her brother Adrian.
Mary leaves three adoring children and their respective spouses: Viola and Stephen Carlile, Evelyn Celli, and John and Leslie Sieren. She is survived by her loving grandsons and their wives: Stephen and Heather Carlile, David and Hollie Carlile, and John Carlile, as well as her precious first great granddaughter, Grace Elisabeth Carlile. She leaves behind a brother Silvius and wife Hildegunde Bojescul, a sister-in-law Miyuki Bojescul, as well as numerous nieces and nephews.
Mary loved singing and was an alto in her church’s (St. Lawrence) choir for many years. She lived the past two decades in California, but was in the process of moving to Oregon when she was called to her Maker. Funeral services will be in Keizer, Oregon at St. Edward’s Catholic Church at 9:30 am on Thursday, May 21, 2009 with a reception (shindig) afterwards in the church hall.
Burial will be in Sacramento, California with a second funeral mass at St. Lawrence Catholic Church in Sacramento – date and time to be determined soon.
Arrangements by Golden Mortuary in Salem, Oregon.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Enough whining

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Class makes me sick! Ranting and raving helps....

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Every day is black history day - every day we should celebrate our land of color

To the left you will see a picture of Tony Dorsett when he met my two older sons many decades ago. Part of our misconception is that racism can be covert - like our thinking all blacks are great athletes. Wish it were true, however....
Recently as I processed the concept of racism with my own thought patterns it seems that discussions of racism suddenly seemed to be everywhere – even on television sitcoms. The Adventures of Old Christine last night had Christine and Wanda trying to integrate their women’s gym. Of course, when Wanda outdid Christine in recruiting black members, Christine found that her former image of herself – a democrat with NO racist tendencies – was challenged. She kept inadvertently saying the wrong thing. “I think I’m going black to my office.” Back and forth the dialogue hysterically portrayed the insecurities most whites feel about racism. Say the wrong word and I will be labeled racist is the common fear. Before your blood starts boiling, understand from where I am coming.
I just read Dr. Dorothy Tatum’s book, Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? Now, at first this book enraged me and then later on as I continued reading (had to for a class; otherwise, I would have put it down after the first page), I realized I was being challenged to think out of the box, to think in a way that was very uncomfortable for me. I have always considered myself just one of the people of color. I have not identified with the white majority. I have always erred on the side of the minority. But when someone of color looks at me for the first time, I am identified with the white segment of society nevertheless.
So what does this have to do with ELL students and teaching? Racism is sometimes very overtly portrayed in the ELL classroom, especially when more than one language group is present. Even several years ago when I was teaching middle school ELL, one segment of the population that could easily be identified as white, became elitist in thought. They believed they were smarter and better than their brown counterparts. Their parents wanted them out of ELL as soon as possible. Some even signed papers to ensure they were not going to be grouped with the ELL population, even though their language needs indicated they needed that assistance. So what does this have to do with us today?
As a society we need to become more aware of the subtleties of racism in our lives and work on creating a world where racism no longer exists is still a difficult task at hand. Racism can be subtle. Hear anyone ever say how great black athletes are? What does that have to do with race? Ever hear comments such as Asians are so smart? These generalities are what still cling to our thought processes and continue to be avenues we need to first discuss with ourselves. The next step is more reading, more education. Read what people of color think. A great book that will help in understanding our President is his book, Dreams from my father. No matter what your politics are, reading this book will guarantee a clearer understanding of our President as a young biracial man in our society.
So what can we do in our classes to make sure that all our students feel valuable and appreciated? Black history month came and went. It’s a good start, but every month should be devoted to understanding the interwoven threads of color that make our country so beautiful.
We can see bias in the English Only movement and in local referendums where ELL and bilingual education are severely negated by mandates of one year of immersion only and so on. Those who are making those dictums are sadly not always the ones who are knowledgeable about language acquisition. All we can do as purveyors of knowledge is to make sure our students understand the real stories and the real science of language acquisition and acculturation. We can begin by reading texts that truly inspire and educate us. When I was teaching ELL social studies, I made sure I read The People’s History of the United States, which integrates the experience of all peoples into our land’s history. We are led to a clearer understanding of the true meaning of the slave movement. We feel the pain of our indentured servants as they enter this country. We understand the loneliness and pain of the Asian rail workers as they mercilessly work in the worst of conditions. These stories are not fiction. They are real. They are part of the oral tradition of our varied peoples. And, when we don’t understand or even become aware of those stories, then we are not capable of teaching our students effectively.
We can also make sure we impart to our students the value of being in this society for their particular group. Reading great books that tell these stories is tantamount to success. But if they can’t read those books, how do we manage to teach them? Some publishers are coming on board with ELL versions of various texts. Sadly, most are stories like Harry Potter. When I was teaching, I actually would redo chapters of books so my students would be able to understand the essence of each book. Ones that we loved included
Ages 7 - 9
Ada, Alma Flor. My Name Is Maria Isabel. Atheneum, 1993. (Latino)Maria, a third grader who's newly moved from Puerto Rico, is devastated when her teacher decides to call her "Mary" in order to distinguish from the other two Marias in the class. Proud of her name and heritage, Maria finds a way to make her teacher understand.
Bruchac, Joseph. The Story of the Milky Way: A Cherokee Tale. Dial, 1995. (Native American) The Milky Way legend tells of an elderly couple who chase the dog that stole their cornmeal into the night sky. The result was a collection of stars that formed into the Milky Way. Exquisite illustrations contribute to the story.
Bunting, Eve. So Far from the Sea. Clarion, 1998. (Asian American) Seven-year-old Laura Iwasaki travels with her family to visit her Grandfather's grave, at the site of the Manzanar War Relocation Camp. Laura's anger at the injustice to which her family was subjected makes other family members confront their own feelings as well.
Curtis, Gavin. The Bat Boy and His Violin. Simon & Schuster, 1998. (African American) Though Reginald likes nothing better than playing his violin, his father, as manager of one of the worst teams in the Negro Leagues, needs a bat boy. In an act of compromise, Reginald performs his duties while filling the dugout with Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven. His music soon acts as inspiration to the losing team.
Lin, Grace. The Ugly Vegetables. Charlesbridge, 1999. (Asian American) In a comfortable neighborhood setting, a girl and her mother dig their garden. While the neighbors' gardens bring sweet smelling flowers, the daughter notices that theirs reaps only ugly vegetables. All ends well, however, when the soup made from the vegetables tantalizes the neighbors into sharing the savory feast. Recipes included.
Steptoe, Javaka. In Daddy's Arms I Am Tall. Lee & Low, 1997. (African American) Powerful poems celebrate African American fathers and the universal bond between fathers and children. Inventive illustrations created with a variety of materials-found objects, torn and cut paper, photographs-are a perfect match for text.
Woodson, Jacqueline. We Had a Picnic This Sunday Past. Disney, 1998. (African American) An annual family picnic is the setting for hilarious descriptions and comments of family members and the food that is brought as each appear on the scene. The message here is that, for all the teasing and joking, the gathering of extended family is a time of pure joy.
Ages 9 - 12
Armstrong, Jennifer. Steal Away. Scholastic, 1993. (Multi-ethnic) In this story of friendship and betrayal, Susannah, ward of a slave owner, helps Bethlehem, a slave girl, escape to freedom. The story the two girls' escape is told alternately by the now elderly Bethlehem and Susannah to thirteen-year-old Mary.
Bruchac, Joseph. The Arrow over the Door. Dial, 1998. (Native American) In alternating chapters, the reader comes to know two fourteen-year-olds-one Quaker and one an Abenaki Indian, whose lives at the time of the Revolution eventually intersect. Based on an actual historical event, their meeting affects their lives in a deeply spiritual manner.
Grimes, Nikki. Jazmin's Notebook. Dial, 1998. (African American) This is life seen through the eyes of fourteen-year-old Jazmin, a girl living in Harlem in the 60s and who fills her journal with lots of laughs, anger and hope. In this book about growing up, Jazmin explores life's possibilities and realizes this is only the beginning.
Katz, Jane B. Messengers of the Wind: Native American Women Tell Their Life Stories. Ballantine, 1996. (Native American) A rich mosaic of powerful personal stories of Native American women. This collection is represented by grandmothers, mothers, artists, activists, daughters, and healers all speaking eloquently and passionately about their lives and experiences. An inspirational and eloquent text.
Martinez, Floyd. Spirits of the High Mesa. Arte Publico, 1997 (Latino) In a small village in Northern New Mexico, a young Hispanic boy is torn between the cultural values held by his grandfather and the lure of modern life in America. The text is often humorous and is rich in cultural detail and adventure.
Myers, Walter Dean. At Her Majesty's Request: An African Princess in Victorian England. Scholastic, 1999. (African American) Captivated by a packet of letters found in a London bookshop, Myers reconstructs the story of Sarah Forbes Bonetta, a child of royal African descent who was rescued by a British sea-captain. A celebrity of her day, Sarah became goddaughter of Queen Victoria. Illustrated with photos and drawings from the era, and including letters penned by Sarah and her friends, this book provides an intimate portrait of Sarah and her times.
Yep, Laurence. The Amah. Putnam, 1999. (Asian American) When Amy's mother takes the job as amah (nanny) for 12-year-old Stephanie, Amy must help out at home resulting in less time to practice her role in a school ballet. An authentic look at the struggles and conflicts of Chinese-American family life.
Yep has written several wonderful chapter books, so check out his website as well. Hopefully, you will become more comfortable in your own skin and be able to help others understand the same. Every month should be tapestry month – we are a land of wonderful threads of color and we need to make sure that our every action reflects this understanding and appreciation. May you grow new shoots of understanding as well this spring….
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? by Doctor Beverly Tatum
This book will entice you, challenge you and make you mad. But you will grow after reading it.
Dreams from my father by Barack Obama
Even though I didn't vote for BO, I still support him as my president and this book helped me understand from where he hails.
Two books not to be missed by any of us!
Monday, February 23, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009
Birthdays, Politics, and Spirituality

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Email Wars!

If we saw that line in an email, most of us would interpret it as swear words, anger, frustration, etc. But, one day as I was typing, I had my fingers on all the wrong keys and something like this ensued: do zi fifn’y knoe ehsy yo fo. Interpret that! LOL, OMG, and WTF are all acronyms for some pretty clear statements. The world of techno-babble has evolved to the point where a larger percentage of people are texting instead of using face to face communication. Inevitably, there are going to be some problems interpreting those texts.
I know for a fact that when my mother is angry at me, she starts her email, which formerly consisted of snail mail or letters written to me, her oldest daughter, with Dear Daughter…. I can be sure I am in for a lecture then. Even as a senior citizen, I am still subject to my mother’s stern words if I don’t tow the line. Now if the body of her email has all caps, then I’d better not read the message or I am in for a lot of anguish!
I, for one, also use a lot of smiley faces, LOLs, and exclamation marks to enhance the power of my email, but a recent discussion via email to someone who really doesn’t know me ended up in a fiasco I never want to repeat. So, listen up, kids, it’s time to reassess your emailing/texting viewpoints.
Recently, on the John Tesh radio show, he gave out some suggestions for making a relationship last and one of the things he mentioned was that we should never text during an argument. That makes sense. We write what we think and send it without really thinking. What’s the first thought that comes to mind when someone is mean to you? If you are anyway near normal, that first thought is to tell that person where to go and that place is hot and certainly not pleasant. But after thinking about it for a while, most people will realize that sending someone someplace bad does not really solve the problem long term. After all, we have no control of where someone goes in the afterlife, so we need to focus on the here and now.
If you have a conflict with someone, wait to talk to that person directly, and, if that is not possible, be sure you engage the services of your land line or cell phone. That way you can hear the intonation in the person’s voice. You can hear the sincerity or lack thereof equally well. You can ask questions and you can truly resolve issues more clearly.
So, while texting and email are great vehicles for common interaction, nothing beats talking face to face or engaging in a conversation over the phone. Clearly we are social beings and technology sometimes doesn’t help us in that arena. So go over to Jane’s house and tell her how you feel. Look at her body language and her eyes when she speaks to you. A better relationship is on the way if you heed your words and communicate with your entire being.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Curley haired baby!
Sometimes I want to be a kid again with only little problems. Sometimes growing up isn't what we thought it might be. But as I look at some of the older than me generation, I see that they do lapse into a sort of second childhood. So let's play while we can. Let's enjoy the little things like a warm drink after a long bath. Let's enjoy letting our hair just curl up and be natural. Let's stop worrying about what could have been and what could be. Let's just enjoy the moment. Ahhh, Gracie has the right idea! She can teach us all a lot about seizing the day. Carpe diem, all!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Mixing with the kids

Monday, January 26, 2009
Times - they are achangin'

Saturday, January 24, 2009
They're everywhere! They're everywhere!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
And it was done....

Sunday, January 18, 2009
U2 and why?

Friday, January 16, 2009

But how shall you find it unless you seek it in the heart of life?
The owl whose night-bound eyes are blind unto the day cannot unveil the mystery of light.
If you would indeed behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide unto the body of life.
For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.
- Kahil Gibran, The Prophet
To read about bereavement and how to cope with it, please go to this helpful site:
All I know is that I cry, I write, I read, and I hug. What more can there be? (Oh, yes, praying is woven throughout all those experiences).
God bless you, each and everyone of you, my dear family!
Love, Lola
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Information about Paul from a friend....
Listen to the song on the above link. Here are the lyrics:
HURT by Johnny Cash
I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything
What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear
You are someone else
I am still right here
What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
If I could start again
A million miles away
I will keep myself
I would find a way
A beautiful day until....

The sun was shining today and it was a beautiful day to walk. I met with a wonderful woman about a charter school in Silverton and it was like I was meeting myself forty years ago! She was vibrant, random, and a delight with whom to speak. Then I met with my friend Alla who is a dedicated and talented Romanian-American artist, whose work I will post later on this month on this blog. We decided to walk and went by my husband's office....
Until...the news came out of his mouth - the news I could barely comprehend or believe. The news that one of our beloved nephews had committed suicide. My heart stood still and gushes of hot tears suddenly produced themselves flowing out my eyes. What? When? It doesn't matter. It just is. Please keep him in your prayers - the little boy I remember was now a grown man living in Eugene. Now he is no more. And if we don't have faith and spirituality, then what is this life worth? Why even bother?
I am sure most of us sit and wonder what we could have done. Could I have been a more attentive aunt? Could I have written him more emails? Would he have been happier had others invited him out more? Nonsense. Nothing can be done about what was. We just have to worry about what is and what is to come. Love one another. Care for each other, and please know that I am here for any of you - Nothing is too trivial or too important not to share with me. I am here, dear ones. You are all in my prayers.
Lola and friends

That had a special meaning to me when I was growing up - SOS - it was an army concoction created at home by my dad. It was creamed beef on toast. But the army has its own vernacular and it's not something I'd print on the net with my name nearby! But it was warm, comfort food and the two new things on this blog are dear to my heart: first is the baby blog about my little granddaughter and my amazing daughter-in-law. The second is a serious attempt to engage Catholics in serious conversation about faith and religion. It is an open forum for all people, but will not tolerate abusive and/or impolite language. Check 'em out and be the first on your block to get some more SOS! Or is it TLC? Or GFG? (Grace from God)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Just in from one of my favorite guys....
Do you have to be religious to be spiritual?

I don't know, but when I look in the eyes of my granddaughter, Gracie, I see something beyond eyes. I see a world of love and life. I see her spirit. Is that religious? Gee, it doesn't matter to me what we call it. I call it the essence of life - the essence that Jesus was talking about. The essence that Buddha was talking about. The karma that permeates the world. Yes, I know. Now the religious right are saying, "Wow, that's not a truly religious woman." They are spending so much of their time trying to pinpoint infidels, they are not able to live a single moment of peace. I, on the other hand, only profess to believe. I am weak, yet I am not judgmental. Believe what you may - I believe all humanity belongs to God's kingdom, wherever it may be....Have a great humpday (sixties lingo for Wednesday - the middle of the week). Blessings and much peace, Lola
Monday, January 12, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Sunday morning and church
Friday, January 9, 2009
Setting a new trend I don't really care for much....

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Keep on planning....
But she has another few secrets I am sure she would not mind if I shared with you....
1. She is a voracious learner. She reads. She joins community groups. She surrounds herself with positive and productive people. Her husband is more of an introvert, but she does not allow that to stop her.
2. She is gracious. Sometimes I get stressed out and want to vent - she listens, but has never vented or talked badly about another human being. Sort of puts me to shame, ya know?
3. She loves to travel and always has an experience planned. She has helped me in this way, for I would never have thought I could afford to go to China or Jamaica or Europe, but with Hap, all things are possible. I consider her my guardian angel.
So keep this lovely woman in your prayers. We are both planning to go to Romania (my mother's birthplace) in September and her gift to me was a piggy bank to save up coins so that when I go I can do what I want to do without worrying. A true friend! Today I wish you all good friends and good attitudes. We can accomplish all this with the blessings of our God.
Peace, love, and happy adventures!
Lola, Hap, and the rest of the gang
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Happy New Year!
We are accepting submissions for our Spring, 2009 issue now. We accept personal journey journals, poetry, book reviews, and much more. Our magaletter is free as a PDF online. For those who wish to subscribe, the cost is $10 per year for all four issues, including shipping and handling. We just want to help one another in this journey we call life!
My name is Lola and even though I have been on this earth for decades, I have been Lola for a year now. After retiring from public school teaching, I ventured onto a new path - art therapy counseling. With my friend, Brenda, I began trying to help women and children become happier and more productive in their journey as well by creating discussion groups, retreats, and what not. What makes us different is that we are not about money. We are nonprofit and trying to stay that way. We know that those who m0st need our help are those who can least afford it. We understand the struggle. We respond to it.
Anyway, back to my name change. My first art class ever was Jane Mays' drawing class at the local community college. Somehow I managed to miss the first week of class and appeared the second week. A nice young man named Mario came up to me and offered to catch me up to speed. He asked my name. I replied, "Vye," to which he said, "I dont' like zees name. Vat ees your real name?" After telling him Viola (vee-oh-lah), he said, "In my country ve call you Lola." So there it is, folks, I've been rededicated to this world as Lola.
Names are important. My family hate my new name. It's my art name, I tell them. I love it and so do my new colleagues in art and writing. So, tell us about you. What is your name and how were you named that? Or did you change your name, too?
With greatest affection and love and peace, we hope to hear from you very soon! If you want to subscribe via the Internet to our magaletter, all we need is your name and email address!
Today's Spiritual Women
Lola, Brenda, and Hap